If you have ever put on some peaceful music to calm your nerves, you are probably aware that music and sound can have an effect on how you feel. In fact, there are many ways that sound can influence our feelings and our health.

Music is certainly one of the most common ways to influence your feelings and health through sound. Listening to calming classical music, such as the Pachelbel canon can calm one's nerves, while energizing dance music can help put you in a more active frame of mind. One recent study has shown that fast paced music can increase blood pressure, while slow paced music can lower blood pressure. Interestingly, adding random pauses to the music may lower blood pressure even more. The composer Stephen Halpern is particularly well know for his explorations of the relationship between sound and well-being.

Taking music therapy a step further, Dr. Alfred Tomatis found that by filtering music in very precise ways, the music could have an even more profound effect on people. Our noisy environments tend to damage our hearing over many years, and Dr. Tomatis found ways through his filtered music to stimulate the ears and the brain and often improve hearing.

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Another way sound can influence you is by directly stimulating certain brainwave frequencies. Scientist have known for some time that brainwave frequencies of at least 13 cycles per second (known as the "beta" range) will have a stimulating effect, while frequencies of .5 to 4 cycles per second correspond with deep sleep. You can buy CD's that directly and precisely increase just those frequencies for a desired effect. Light and sound machines are also available that incorporate flashing lights alone with sound pulses to stimulate specific frequencies of brainwaves.

Tuning forks are another area to discover how sound can affect your feelings and health. Low frequency tuning forks can have a grounding, relaxing effect, while high frequency forks are more energizing. On the low frequency end, there are forks available that match the earth's Schumann Resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz. These are more grounding. In the mid ranges, there are tuning forks with the frequency of "Ohm", 136.10 Hz. These can help harmonize the body's energies. Other tuning forks have frequencies of at least 4000 Hz, and are more energizing.

Finally, a researcher, Sharry Edwards, has found that your voice, when analyzed in a special way, has unique signature to it, and that this signature can point to specific problems and deficiencies in a very precise way. Ms. Edwards, through a method she has introduced called Human BioAcoustics, has found that by listening to specially targeted sound patterns, these problems and deficiencies can be overcome.

Sound therapy is just one of the many approaches in the field of alternative medicine and holistic care. By exploring the world of sound and music, you may find new ways to feel better and be more effective in your life.

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